What to expect when joining our in-person services at Crossroads
First and foremost, if you are not feeling well, especially coughing or sneezing, stay home for your well-being and the well-being of our church family. If you are vulnerable or high risk, or you do not yet feel comfortable attending one of our indoor services, we will still offer online worship experiences at 10:00am on Facebook and YouTube.
In accordance with the CDC guidelines for indoor gatherings, masks are required indoors. Only those preaching or leading on worship teams will be allowed to take off their masks temporarily.
Doors will open 15 minutes prior to service starting. Congregants are asked to remain in their cars until that time.
Sanitizing Stations
Non-contact hand sanitizing stations will be located as you enter and exit the church.
Because of occupancy and distancing requirements, seating in the sanctuary will be limited and will be on a first come, first serve basis. In addition to the sanctuary, seating will also be available in the overflow room behind the sanctuary. Additional seating areas have been created upstairs, overlooking the sanctuary. In the event we run out of seating in all of these areas, the Fellowship Hall will have the service livestreamed and seating will be available there. Doors will be kept open for ventilation. Please dress accordingly.
Restrooms will be limited to two people at a time.
Due to our limited gathering space in our lobby and our desire to limit exposure, please plan on exiting the building immediately at the conclusion of each service. Feel free to socialize outdoors.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we navigate these new waters together.